Thursday 20 August 2015


Life Style:                          
             Pythagoras first coined the word 'philosopher', as 'philo-sophos' (friend of wisdom). He was practicing daily meditation in complete isolation in an underground refuge, to better elaborate his ideas and reforms. He chose Crotone for his main school as it was in an environment with a younger population, more receptive to adapt to the type of change he had in mind from a personal and social point of view. The area was called ironically, by some modern writers, the "Hellenic America" of that time, that is a new world with people offering more ethical plasticity (like in 'EthoPlasìn') to receive new ideas.
Powers Over External Nature:  
                                                    Pythagoras also had special talents that made him look like he was doing miracles. In Olympia, in front of a huge crowd, he was able to call down a wild eagle to stand calmly on his hand while trying to explain the dignity of the human being, meant by God to command nature but also to respect and love the beings of the other kingdoms. He once commanded gently a wild and aggressive bear to obey him and return to the forest. He is claimed to have had the gifts of ubiquity and remote viewing, with powers to stop pestilence, calm tempests, predict important events like earthquakes and to cure sick people with exceptionally fast, sometimes practically instant, recovery. He was thus considered a powerful "Demiurge" ('Demiurgos') capable of what other normal people would consider miracles. This is certainly the way the great philosopher Porphyrios described him in his writings on Pythagoras around 300 A.D. He said that Pythagoras was still famous in his days, some 800 years after is death, for "having been so far, more than any other person on Earth, the author of such an amount of incredible accomplishments, in all fields of human activity, worthy only of a divine nature". Many other historians, like Jamblicus, Justine, Dione, Chrysostom and many others, had similar words regarding Pythagoras.

Powers Over Human Nature:
                                          The fully formed Pythagorean disciples however, having developed their Human Tetractys with a spirit capable of attaining and expressing wisdom, had similar powers, even more important, to command not to external elements or wild animals, but to their internal inferior components, body and soul. They could talk to their organs for example, and gently command health. They could talk to their soul and command their passions. One of their objectives, and accomplishments in most cases, waDelphic Tripods to live a long harmonious life and die in good health, not because they were old or ill, but simply because time had come to make a step forward in another dimension. Pythagoras himself has been the best example of this. He died when he was close to 100 years old, still in perfect physical and mental health, and only because he was assassinated. A angry student, who had been rejected from his school, set fire to the house where he was living and Pythagoras died together with some of his closest collaborators. Otherwise he would probably have lived a few more years in good health as he probably felt his earthly mission had not been yet quite completed at that point. The Pythagorean Man was intended to become a demiurge with special powers to dominate himself and the nature, but spiritually, not mechanically, to handle nature from the inside, not from the outside, using his 'word' to co-create, like God, for the benefit of all living beings.

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